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Sharon, Cottesloe
The pastry absolutely did not work - I tried everything. It just crumbled - I added some extra oil and even that didn’t work
Ailsa, North perth
Really really yummy!
Pastry required about 2-3tbs extra water and worked pretty well.
Proportions seem a little off though... I have 2 person recipe and have ended up with loooots of extra veg filling. I piled the topping very high but it still wouldn't all fit. A little extra of the base would have made all the difference I think.
Sheridyn, Redcliffe
This had a lot of potential! I wish the directions were a little cleared with regards to the base, mine was too small so it didn’t cook all the way though. But the flavours were good, I added some things of my own too :)
Jacqui, Mandurah
Pastry was like cement & flavourless. I made an extra base pastry using chick pea flour which, at the least was softer and a better flavour. Topping was only ok - quite bland. This meal is probs one of the most disappointing I’ve had. Sorry DT
Leanne, Halls head
I really enjoyed this one for flavour and ease of making. Not quite enough pastry to match the amount of vege so it was crumbly to eat but delicious so it made up for it